So old I still own LPs
I’m having a smidgen of a crisis. After reviewing my list of blogs I check daily, I realized a scary trend.
I think punk-anti-establishment me is disappearing.
This is the breakdown:
1 Life-Approaching-Marriage
1 office-appropriate humor
1 Starbucks trawling (blame this one on Monkey)
1 CROCHET blog (what am I thinking?)
DCBlogs, of course
2 Gaylife issues
3 professional drudgery
4 adult politics (as opposed to sophomoric idealism)
1 Crazy Friend in Israel (whose emails I get anyway and so don’t really need to check the blog)
1 Early 20-something forum (which ends up being mostly political and professional drudgery anyway)
For some reason, this strikes me as disproportionately behaving myself and conforming. I mean seriously, only 0.125% DO NOT regularly deal with domesticity and tedium.
Will someone please tell Peter Pan I’m looking for him? Chipper comments and suggestions for a less adult life very much appreciated.
Get some pot/something way illegal, make out with someone that looks good as a result of the illegal substance, and then burn your bra or something. Or you socks. I never quite understood the whole "burning something that helps you" thing.
I'm sorry, I'm little to no help as I've just given in and accepted that I'm boring.
I was never cool with bra burning either. How fortunate that I am not a baby boomer. Part of my initial response dealt with wearing pyjamas and eating icecream while watching 80s movies, but then I thought better of it. I think that about says it all in terms of how cutting-edge I am these days. Maybe if I go watch RepoMan instead...
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