
Ophelia, where HAVE you gone?

It's finally time for an update.

OPHELIA has been far, far too busy. First, it started with being slammed at work from January 2 until about mid-way through March. The past few weeks have been making up for all the living and free time lost in that period, nursing away the eczema-that-won't-be-denied (progeny of the 2.5-month-slam) and trying to get back into a semblance of a balanced life. There was a vacation to The Great Nation, which actually helped the eczema some, but the vacation wasn't long enough. There was some working on networking skills and getting over the horrid fear of meeting people and making friends. Progress was made, but it's an uphill battle. I'm still getting up the courage to try the Washington Blogger Meetup. It's gonna be a while.

I've been neglecting a lot of things, too. Like projects that I promised to people, reading that's been piling up (though my schedule has not precluded purchasing more books), and a slight neglect of the children: they've needed to be groomed for a while now. We decided that the vet was too expensive and we could do it ourselves, but it's a matter of getting around to it. It ends up being more painful for us that for them... but that's usually because we're the ones that get bit.

Monkey has finally finished up for the year, so I've also been placing my priorities on spending time with him before he starts work at the end of the month. And I've been participating in a little Wednesday-night diversion that puts those evenings out of commission. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Also on the evening-out-of-commission front, I've found religion. Or rather, I've decided that if I'm going to do this conversion thing, I need to get serious about it, which means Monkey needs to get serious about it too, which means services together. Eventually, I'll get around to the classes, but I have to at least show some initiative, right?

In the past few months, we've been a lot of places. We've eaten at a lot of places. We've eaten at some new places, and had both fantastic and abysmal experiences. I didn't bother to write them down because life has had other priorities. Soon, though, I hope to be back in full force, with scathing and lauding still intact.

This weekend promises to be jam-packed, and next weekend is a trip to the wild, frigid north. Or, as others like to call it, NYC. Now if only I had a palm pc to record all this on the spot...


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