
I'm kinda lucky.

I'm not lucky the way I want to be, but I find money like other people find gray hairs. Frequently it's silver. I found about 50 cents in silver this past weekend. I found a dime today. I can't even count the times I've found fivers. I've found tens at least 4 or 5 times in my life. And then there was the time about nine months ago when I found $56 on the sidewalk. I find unused metro cards. Monkey finds these more frequently than I do, but I still occasionally find them and treat them like found money.

So this morning, I found a nice, shiny dime, and I was thinking about my luck with the greater denominations of paper and coinage. A few minutes later I discovered that I won tickets to the one AFI Silverdocs offering that I really really really wanted to see.

I rock.

Just so you know.

...Maybe I am a little lucky the way I want to be.


Blogger dawn said...

I throw my change on the ground most of the time, except for the quarters (because they are like friggin' gold when trying to park on the street). So maybe you are finding my money. I do try to avoid throwing paper money on the ground. That would be silly, paper money is to be spent on real things like lottery tickets, not just thrown away.

And, in response to your response on my blog...if you have Verizon you can push 7 twice while listening to people ramble on and on, and that erases the message. A friend taught me that and has since become my bestest friend ever.

13 June, 2006 17:33  
Blogger The Tinker said...

If you can teleport, it's entirely possible that I am collecting your lost change.

As far as Verizon and the ability to press 7 and skip all that crap... well, I decided I wanted Cingular because I wanted to be in a dead zone the whole time I'm in metro. :P But I will see if they have the same sort of sheistiness.

13 June, 2006 17:42  

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